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IP Camera Software Developer


Full Time 全職

About the Role


目前在進行的是工業環境用的IP Camera, 因為是工業用level, 所以產品的環境要能夠耐高溫的, 會用有線來做傳輸.

牽涉到公安相關議題, "即時性“ ,串流"清晰度", "順暢度"就是個大工程囉.


英文程度: 不要求->但是技術要夠猛, 知道怎解決real time,如何整合IP Camera software solution

1.熟悉DSC/DV, Car DVR, or IP Camera image processing workflows and modular software design.

2. 至少有一年的經驗在DSC/DV, Car DVR, or IP Camera 相關產業.

3. 必須要熟悉Real-Time OS or embedded Linux.

4.熟悉C/C++, Linux, GUI programming, and Git.

5. 了解multimedia standards, 像是JPEG, H.264, and H.265.

6. 知道怎麼跟硬體網路整合.像是MIPI, I2C/SPI, USB, RS232, TCP/IP, Ethernet.

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